Brass is the generic term for a range of copper and zinc alloys with differing combinations of properties including strength, machinability, ductility, wear resistance, hardness, color, hygiene, corrosion resistance, easy` to manufacturing complex shapes. The exact properties of different brasses depends on the composition of brass alloy particularly copper and zinc ratio and we are also provides chemical report of copper zinc composition percent and brass grade report. We manufacturing and exporting copper based alloy mainly brass extrusion rods/bars in different size and shapes like, round bar, hexagonal bar, square bar, rectangular bar, hollow rods and we are also manufacturing different types of profile sections as per customer requirement. While there are difference between brasses with high and low zinc contains all brasses are considered malleable and ductile but in case of low zinc brass is more ductile due to its low melting points. We supplying and exporting brass extrusion rods with high quality. And we follow the entire quality standard for products specification and manufacturing process.